Earn free Nft's and put them to work for you!
Womplay.io Today I'm going to be taking a look at womplay.io a website dedicated to play to earn wombucks and nfts. Upon first glance the website is beautifully designed and easy to navigate. It has a very straight forward reward system. It has detailed missions so you know exactly what you have to do to make your earnings. It has a wide variety of games with both crypto rewards and Nfts. Lets go over more of these features shall we? For the sake of this article i chose dinosaur park for my first game. It offered wombucks rewards and an nft after 4 hours of playtime and upon reaching level 15. After 4 hours of interacting with this game i did indeed earn an nft. When i did i learned of this other amazing feature. You can stake your nft to win more rewards in the dungeon master game. I used the mobile platform for my usage and downloaded the mobile app for this feature (the mobile app is only a wallet and a place to control your dungeon all other activity is done ...