Earn free Nft's and put them to work for you!
Womplay.io Today I'm going to be taking a look at womplay.io a website dedicated to play to earn wombucks and nfts. Upon first glance the website is beautifully designed and easy to navigate. It has a very straight forward reward system. It has detailed missions so you know exactly what you have to do to make your earnings. It has a wide variety of games with both crypto rewards and Nfts. Lets go over more of these features shall we?
For the sake of this article i chose dinosaur park for my first game. It offered wombucks rewards and an nft after 4 hours of playtime and upon reaching level 15. After 4 hours of interacting with this game i did indeed earn an nft. When i did i learned of this other amazing feature. You can stake your nft to win more rewards in the dungeon master game. I used the mobile platform for my usage and downloaded the mobile app for this feature (the mobile app is only a wallet and a place to control your dungeon all other activity is done through mobile browser). You can "hide" your Nft in the dungeon and send your wombat in to find loot and nfts. so far this feature had worked flawlessly.
Next you may be wondering by now what are wombucks? Wombucks are the in game currency you can earn and commit to a weekly prize pool. The amount you will get paid is based solely on how many tickets you enter and how many people entered into the pool. You can earn wombucks in a variety of different ways the main being playing games. When you open the desktop or mobile browser you will be presented with all of the featured games you can play to earn. They have a wide variety of games to choose from most of which are very popular games. You get wombucks for completing the missions listed when you click on the game. If you already have the game installed it will not recognize your playtime so try uninstalling before clicking the download link. The desktop games will require you to install them on your pc just like mobile. Then theres quick games. Quick games are browser games you get rewarded small amounts of wombucks for playing, no installing required. Once every 24 hours you can open a loot chest which presents you with a random amount of wombucks. Once every 7 days you can open a golden loot chest.
That pretty much covers it guys This is a legitimate site it does pay in eos and nfts. I hope you guys enjoyed this read.
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